Istio ----- `Istio `_ is a service mesh that lets you connect, secure, control, and observe services. Istio can be deployed on Tarmak Kubernetes clusters. However, if you have enabled Tarmak's default PodSecurityPolicy (see `User Guide `_), then privileged sidecar containers injected by Istio will be blocked. Events such as this will show on the ReplicaSet: .. code:: Warning FailedCreate 3m replicaset-controller Error creating: pods "details-v1-6865b9b99d-rm26k" is forbidden: unable to validate against any pod security policy: [capabilities.add: Invalid value: "NET_ADMIN": capability may not be added] More details about the access requirements of the Istio containers can be found `here `_ For now, we recommend only enabling use of the ``psp:privileged`` in the namespaces containing Istio-managed workloads - rather than allowing it across the entire cluster. To enable ``psp:privileged`` in a single namespace (called ``foobar`` in our example), apply the following RoleBinding in that namespace. .. code:: yaml apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: default:privileged namespace: foobar roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: psp:privileged subjects: - apiGroup: kind: Group name: system:serviceaccounts:foobar